Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010



Brighton sophomore Mark Lauzon watches the ball as he starts his swing during a home run derby-style game of wiffle ball on Saturday afternoon with three friends at West Point Village. "Three home runs, no big deal," he said with confidence. "But that's not all it is about. It's about hanging out with friends and bringing some character to the game."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010



Quintin Smith, 10, swings at a high-flying pitch from his father Hal in their backyard Thursday afternoon in St. Louis, Mich. The Smiths are preparing for little league season, which starts in the first week of April. Quintin swung at about 100 pitches, he said, hoping to better his offensive game, as last year he only hit three pitches. He hit one of every four pitches today. "He's just trying to dust the cobwebs off of the old bat," said he said. "I had a few good ones, and one even cleared the house. I just want to get better before this season. I want to be a good batter."



Kansas City Chiefs Offensive Coordinator Charlie Weis smiles while scouting Central Michigan University football players during Pro Day on Wednesday at the Indoor Athletic Complex. Weis was the former Notre Dame head coach and was only recently named the offensive coordinator for the Chiefs.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010



Davenport junior Zak Gonzalez throws a pitch during the fifth inning during the baseball game against Central Michigan. CMU won the game 11-5.



Monday, March 15, 2010





Indiana junior Rachel Kauffman looks up frightened and cold while two students attempt to keep her warm while searching for a solution for her fully-impaled leg. Kauffman landed on a tree limb in a simulation Friday at Mill Pond Park for RPL 365: Wilderness First Responder. The scenario had 13 victims spread across the park during a simulation of the Chile earthquake. Each had a different ailment; one victim died, but most survived and were treated appropriately. "Oh my god. I can't even imagine the pain," Kauffman said. "I've never even broken a bone. It would be absolutely horrendous. When they came to help, my first reaction was to scream."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010



St. Patrick's Day is a day of merriment and green drinks. Hopefully nobody drowns in green beer.



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010





Neil Blake and Libby March. Two of my best friends. Fantastic photojournalists with great storytelling abilities. These two and I make up the Trifecta, a name we gave ourselves as whole to help strive for better photography and understanding of our work and what we can do with our photography. Each of us were awarded an individual award at the Michigan Press Photographers Association conference this weekend in East Lansing.

Even more amazing is we were each given an award for Michigan's College Photographer of the Year. Neil was named top honors. I was first runner-up and Libby as second runner-up. Another wonderful friend of mine, Sean Proctor, was also in the running, and we all wanted him to receive an honorable mention for his work, which was close to happening.

We have all worked very hard for this. Late nights in the Woldt Lab, constantly pushing each other to become better storytellers. I can't say enough about my closest friends and the work they produce. I am continuously inspired every day to shoot as I see them doing the same. It's addictive, but it's our lifestyle and I wouldn't have it any other way. I learned so much this weekend from seeing so many great pictures and talking with professionals. It's truly wonderful to immerse yourself into what you love around people who truly understand it.

I love all you all — Neil, Libby and Sean. You are my best friends. Thanks so much for being so supportive of not only my, but our collective works as photojournalists. Rat Pack for the win! (Secondary photo courtesy of Kent Miller, a professor that has helped guide us and without him, none of this would be possible.)

Here are links to our winning works:

Neil Blake, College Photographer of the Year
Jake May, College Photographer of the Year, First Runner-Up
Libby March, College Photographer of the Year, Second Runner-Up

Neil Blake, Sports Picture Story, Honorable Mention
Libby March, Feature Picture Story, First Place
Jake May, Feature Picture Story, Honorable Mention